All Coast Guard Engine Room Exam Questions

Listed below is a table of contents of the questions on this subject as they appear in the new online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam.
The questions and illustrations posted in the online study are current and constantly being updated.
The following Engine Room modules are available in the online study. Click on the links below for more details
Safety & Environmental Protection
Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Unlimited Engineer Modules and Subjects
- Exam Code: 1AE01 Endorsement: First Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q511 – Q517:
- Q511- General Subjects I
- General Subjects
- Prints and tables
- Hydraulics
- Bilge systems
- Oily water separators
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Freshwater systems
- Lubrication systems
- Automation systems
- Control systems
- Propellers-Shafting
- Distilling systems
- Administration
- Bearings
- Governors
- Cooling systems
- Steering systems
- Deck machinery
- Ventilation systems
- General Subjects
- Q512- General Subjects II
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Control systems
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Management Level
- Management skills
- Crisis management
- Shipyard
- Inspections-surveys
- Vessel layup
- Employee familiarization
- Operational planning
- Assessing competency
- Management practices
- Arbitration
- Internal documents
- International laws-Conv.
- Technical analysis
- Maintenance systems
- Troubleshooting
- Codes & regulations
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Q513- Steam Plants
- Steam Generators
- Main boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Fuel
- Main fuel systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Steam Engines
- Main turbines
- Auxiliary turbines
- Governor systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Lubrication systems
- Drive systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Q514- Motor Plants
- Motor Propulsion
- Main engines
- Auxiliary engines
- Starting systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel
- Fuel systems
- Fuel injection systems
- Air-charging systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Governors
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Water chemistry
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Motor Propulsion
- Q515- Gas Turbine Plants
- Gas Turbines
- Thermo
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel systems
- Drive systems
- Instrumentation-Controls
- Maintenance
- Inspection
- Troubleshooting
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Q516-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
- Safety
- Fire theory
- Fire prevention
- Fire fighting
- Flooding
- Dewatering
- Stability and trim
- Damage control
- Emergency Equipment-Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules & regulations
- Safety
- Q517-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Troubleshooting
- High voltage systems
- Computers-Networks
- Bridge navigation equipment.
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Exam Code: 3AE01 Endorsement: Third Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q531 – Q534:
- Q531- Motor Plants I
- Motor Propulsion
- Fundamentals
- Main engines
- Auxiliary engines
- Starting systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel
- Fuel systems
- Fuel injection systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q532-Motor Plants II
- Motor Propulsion
- Intake systems
- Exhaust systems
- Cooling systems
- Air-charging systems
- Drive systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Governors
- Steam systems
- Water chemistry
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Steam-theory
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Steam Engines
- Auxiliary turbines
- Motor Propulsion
- Q533-Gas Turbine Plants
- Gas Turbines
- Configurations
- Fundamentals
- Thermo
- Construction
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel systems
- Drive systems
- Bleed air systems
- Intake & exhaust systems
- Instrument-Controls
- Maintenance
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Q534-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection.
- Safety
- Fire theory
- Fire prevention
- Fire fighting
- Flooding
- Dewatering
- Stability and trim
- Damage control
- Emergency Equipment-Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules & regulations
- Safety
- Exam Code: 3AE02 Endorsement: Third Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q535 – Q538:
- Q535-General Subjects
- General Subjects
- Prints and tables
- Pipes-fittings-valves
- Hydraulics
- Bilge systems
- Oily water separators
- Sanitary-sewage systems
- Freshwater systems
- Lubricants
- Automation systems
- Control systems
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Machine shop
- Distilling systems
- Pumps
- Compressors
- Governors
- Instruments
- Ship construction-repair
- Steering systems
- Deck machinery
- Ventilation systems
- Heat exchangers
- International rules-regulations
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Refrigeration Systems
- AC systems
- Safety
- Casualty control
- General Subjects
- Q536-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineer
- Theory
- General maintenance
- Generators
- Motors
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- Batteries
- Communications
- Safety
- Casualty control
- High voltage systems
- Computers and networks
- Q537-Steam Plants I
- Steam Generators
- Steam-theory
- Main boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Fuel
- Main fuel systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Q538-Steam Plants II
- Steam Engines
- Main turbines
- Auxiliary turbines
- Governor systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Lubrication systems
- Drive systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Recovery systems
- Limited Engineer Modules and Subjects
- Exam Code: AEL01 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-Limited Modules: Q610 – Q615:
- Q610-Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Fundamentals
- Main engines
- Auxiliary engines
- Starting systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel
- Fuel systems
- Fuel injection systems
- Intake-Exhaust Systems
- Cooling systems
- Casualty control
- Air-charging systems
- Drive systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Water chemistry
- Safety
- Governors
- Steam Generators
- Steam-theory
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Steam Engines
- Auxiliary turbines
- Motor Propulsion
- Q611-Steam Plants,
- Steam Generators
- Steam-theory
- Main boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Fuel
- Main fuel systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Engines
- Main turbines
- Auxiliary turbines
- Governor systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Lubrication systems
- Drive systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Steam Generators
- Q612-Gas Turbine Plants,
- Gas Turbines
- Configurations
- Fundamentals
- Thermo
- Construction
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel systems
- Drive systems
- Bleed air systems
- Intake & exhaust systems
- Instrumentation and controls
- Maintenance
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Q613-General Subjects,
- General Subjects
- Prints and tables
- Hand tools
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Hydraulics
- Materials science
- Bilge systems
- Oily water separators
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Freshwater systems
- Lubricants
- Lubrication systems
- Automation systems
- Control systems
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Machine shop
- Distilling systems
- Pumps
- Compressors
- Bearings
- Governors
- Cooling systems
- Instruments
- Ship construction and repair
- Steering systems
- Deck machinery
- Ventilation systems
- Thermo
- Heat exchangers
- Watch duties
- International rules & regulations
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Theory
- Air conditioning systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Safety
- Casualty control
- General Subjects
- Q614- Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection,
- Safety
- Fire theory
- Fire prevention
- Fire fighting
- Flooding
- Dewatering
- Stability and trim
- Damage control
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q615- Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Theory
- General maintenance
- Generators
- Motors
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- Batteries
- Communications
- Safety
- Casualty control
- High voltage systems
- Computer-networks
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Exam Code: CEL01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer, Limited Modules: Q601 – Q603:
- Q601-General Subjects,
- General Subjects
- Administration
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Control systems
- Deck machinery
- Governors
- Hydraulics
- Oily water separators
- Prints and tables
- Safety
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Steering systems
- Ventilation systems
- Management Level
- Arbitration
- Assessing competency
- Codes & regulations
- Crisis management
- Employee familiarization
- Inspections-surveys
- Internal documents
- International laws-conventions
- Maintenance systems
- Management practices
- Management skills
- Operational planning
- Shipyard
- Technical analysis
- Troubleshooting
- Vessel layup
- Q602-Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Control systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Governors
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Starting systems
- Steam Generators
- Casualty control
- Safety
- Steam systems
- Water chemistry
- Motor Propulsion
- Q603- Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Exam Code: CEL02 Endorsement: Chief Engineer, Limited Modules: Q604 – Q606:
- Q604-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering,
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Bridge navigation equipment
- Casualty control
- Computers and networks
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- High voltage systems
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Q605-Steam Plants,
- Steam Generators
- Automation systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Casualty control
- Condensate systems
- Control systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel
- Main boilers
- Main fuel systems
- Recovery systems
- Steam Engines
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Auxiliary turbines
- Control systems
- Drive systems
- Governor systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main turbines
- Safety
- Steam Generators
- Q606-Gas Turbine Plants
- Gas Turbines
- Casualty control
- Drive systems
- Fuel systems
- Inspection
- Instrumentation-Controls
- Lubrication systems
- Maintenance
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Thermo
- Troubleshooting
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Exam Code: DDE01 Endorsement: DDE Unlimited Modules: Q620 – Q625:
- Q620-Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Drive systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Governors
- Intake-exhaust systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety Starting systems
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Auxiliary turbines
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q621-Steam Plants,
- Steam Generators
- Automation systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Casualty control
- Condensate system
- Control systems
- Feedwater system
- Fuel
- Main boilers
- Main fuel system
- Recovery system
- Safety
- Steam Theory
- Steam Engines
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Auxiliary turbines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Drive systems
- Governor system
- Lubrication systems
- Main turbines
- Safety
- Q622-Gas Turbine Plants,
- Gas Turbines
- Bleed air systems
- Casualty control
- Configurations
- Construction
- Drive systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Inspection
- Instrumentation and controls
- Intake & exhaust systems
- Lubrication systems
- Maintenance
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Thermo
- Troubleshooting
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Q623-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection,
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Inspections and surveys
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q624-General Subjects,
- General Subjects
- Administration
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Bilge systems
- Compressors
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Deck machinery
- Distilling systems
- Freshwater systems
- Governors
- Hand tools
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulics
- Instruments
- International rules & regs
- Lubricants
- Lubrication systems
- Machine shop
- Oily water separators
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Prints and tables
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Pumps
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Ship construction and repair
- Steering systems
- Thermo
- Ventilation systems
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Refrigeration systems
- Safety
- Theory
- General Subjects
- Q625-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Batteries
- Casualty control
- Communications
- Computers and networks
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- General maintenance
- Generators
- High voltage systems
- Motor controllers
- Motors Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Theory
- Troubleshooting
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Exam Code: DDE04 Endorsement: DDE 1000-4000 HP Modules: Q630 – Q634:
- Q630-Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Drive systems
- Exhaust systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Governors
- Intake systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety
- Starting systems
- Water chemistry
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q631-Steam Plants,
- Steam Generators
- Automation systems
- Boiler water chemistry
- Casualty control
- Condensate system
- Control systems
- Feedwater system
- Fuel
- Main boilers
- Main fuel system
- Recovery system
- Safety
- Steam Theory
- Steam Engines
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary diesels
- Auxiliary turbines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Drive systems
- Governor system
- Lubrication systems
- Main turbines
- Safety
- Steam Generators
- Q632-Gas Turbine Plants,
- Gas Turbines
- Bleed air systems
- Casualty control
- Configurations
- Construction
- Drive systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Inspection
- Instrumentation and controls
- Intake & exhaust systems
- Lubrication systems
- Maintenance
- Operating parameters
- Start systems
- Thermo
- Troubleshooting
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Gas Turbines
- Q633-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection,
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q634-General Subjects
- General Subjects
- Administration
- Automation systems
- Bilge systems
- Compressors
- Control systems
- Cooling Systems
- Freshwater systems
- Governors
- Hydraulics
- Lubricants
- Lubrication systems
- Machine shop
- Oily water separators
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Pumps Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Steering systems
- Ventilation systems
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Batteries
- Casualty control
- Communications
- Computers and networks
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- General maintenance
- Generators
- High voltage systems
- Motor controllers
- Motors Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Theory
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Refrigeration systems
- Theory
- Troubleshooting
- General Subjects
- Exam Code: OSE01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer-OSV Modules: Q680 – Q684:
- Q680-Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Main engines
- Auxiliary engines
- Starting systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel
- Fuel systems
- Fuel injection systems
- Air-charging systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Governors
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q682-General Subjects,
- General Subjects
- Prints and tables
- Hydraulics
- Oily water separators
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Automation systems
- Control systems
- Administration
- Bearings
- Governors
- Steering systems
- Deck machinery
- Heat exchangers
- Watch duties
- Ventilation systems
- Casualty control
- Safety
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Casualty control
- Air conditioning systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Management Level
- Management skills
- Crisis management
- Shipyard
- Inspections-surveys
- Vessel layup
- Employee familiarization
- Operational planning
- Assessing competency
- Management practices
- Arbitration
- Internal documents
- International laws-conventions
- Technical analysis
- Maintenance systems
- Troubleshooting
- Codes & regulations
- General Subjects
- Q683-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection,
- Safety
- Fire theory
- Fire prevention
- Fire fighting
- Flooding
- Dewatering
- Stability and trim
- Damage control
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- Inspections and surveys
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q684-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Generators
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- Communications
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Troubleshooting
- High voltage systems
- Computers and networks
- Bridge navigation equipment
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Exam Code: OSE02 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-OSV Modules: Q650 – Q654:
- Q650 – Motor Plants,
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Drive systems
- Exhaust systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Governors
- Intake systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety
- Starting systems
- Water chemistry
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Steam-theory
- Motor Propulsion
- Q652 – General Subjects,
- General Subjects
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Bilge systems
- Compressors
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Deck machinery
- Freshwater systems
- Governors
- Hand tools
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulics
- Instruments
- International rules & regulations
- Lubricants
- Lubrication systems
- Machine shop
- Oily water separators
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Prints and tables
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Pumps
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Ship construction and repair
- Steering systems
- Ventilation systems
- Watch duties
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Refrigeration systems
- Safety
- Theory
- General Subjects
- Q653-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection,
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim Emergency
- Equipment-Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- .S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q654-Electricity, Electronics & Control Engineering
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Batteries
- Casualty control
- Communications
- Computers and networks
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- General maintenance
- Generators
- High voltage systems
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Theory
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Systems
- Exam Code: UFIV01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer-UFIV Modules: Q697 – Q696
- Q697-General Subjects
- General Subjects
- Administration
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Control systems
- Deck machinery
- Governors
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulics
- Oily water separators
- Prints and tables
- Sanitary-Sewage
- Systems Steering systems
- Ventilation systems
- Watch duties
- Electricity-Electronics-Cntrl Eng
- Communications
- Distribution systems
- Electrical Troubleshooting
- Electronic systems
- Generators
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Management Level
- Arbitration
- Assessing competency
- Codes & regulations
- Crisis management
- Employee familiarization
- Inspections-surveys
- Internal documents
- International laws-conventions
- Maintenance systems
- Management practices
- Management skills
- Operational planning
- Shipyard
- Technical analysis
- Vessel layup
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Casualty control
- Control Systems
- Safety
- General Subjects
- Q694-Motor Plants
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Governors
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety
- Starting systems
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q696-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Inspections and surveys
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Exam Code: UFIV02 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer, UFIV Modules: Q690 – Q693
- Q690-Motor Plants
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Drive systems
- Exhaust systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Governors
- Intake systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety
- Starting systems
- Water chemistry
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Theory
- Motor Propulsion
- Q692-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q693-General Subjects
- General Subjects
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Bilge systems
- Compressors
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Deck machinery
- Distilling systems
- Freshwater systems
- Governors
- Hand tools
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulics
- Instruments
- International rules & regulations
- Lubricants
- Lubrication systems
- Machine shop
- Oily water separators
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Prints and tables
- Propellers/ shafting systems
- Pumps Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Ship construction and repair
- Steering systems
- Ventilation systems
- Watch duties
- Q694-Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
- Batteries
- Casualty control
- Communications
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- General maintenance
- Generators
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Theory
- Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Instruments-gauges
- Refrigeration systems
- Safety
- Theory
- MODU Engineer Modules and Subjects
- Exam Code: MODE01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer-MODU Modules: Q730 – Q750
- Q730-Motor Plants
- Motor Propulsion
- Main engines
- Auxiliary engines
- Starting systems
- Lubrication systems
- Fuel Fuel systems
- Fuel injection systems
- Drive systems
- Air-charging systems
- Control systems
- Automation systems
- Governors
- Safety
- Casualty control
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Feedwater systems
- Condensate systems
- Recovery systems
- Motor Propulsion
- Q740-Engineering Safety & Environmental Protection
- Safety
- Damage control
- Dewatering
- Fire fighting
- Fire prevention
- Fire theory
- Flooding
- Stability and trim
- Emergency Equipment & Lifesaving Appliances
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Inspections and surveys
- Pollution prevention
- U.S. rules and regulations
- Safety
- Q750-General Subjects
- General Subjects
- Administration
- Automation systems
- Bearings
- Control systems
- Deck machinery
- Governors
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulics
- Oily water separators
- Prints and tables
- Sanitary-Sewage Systems
- Ship Construction & Repair
- Steering systems
- Watch duties
- Electricity-Electronics-Control Eng.
- Bridge navigation equipment
- Casualty control
- Computers and networks
- Distribution systems
- Electronic systems
- High voltage systems
- Motor controllers
- Propulsion systems
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Air conditioning systems
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Safety
- Management Level
- Arbitration
- Assessing competency
- Codes & regulations
- Crisis management
- Employee familiarization
- Inspections-surveys
- Internal documents
- International laws-conventions
- Maintenance systems
- Management practices
- Management skills
- Operational planning
- Shipyard
- Technical analysis
- Troubleshooting
- Vessel layup
- General Subjects
- Exam Code: MODE02 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-MODU Modules: Q715 – Q717
- Q715-Motor Plants
- Motor Propulsion
- Air-charging systems
- Automation systems
- Auxiliary engines
- Casualty control
- Control systems
- Cooling systems
- Drive systems
- Exhaust systems
- Fuel
- Fuel injection systems
- Fuel systems
- Fundamentals
- Governors
- Intake systems
- Lubrication systems
- Main engines
- Safety
- Starting systems
- Steam systems
- Water chemistry
- Steam Generators
- Auxiliary boilers
- Condensate systems
- Feedwater systems
- Recovery systems
- Steam-theory
- Motor Propulsion
- QMED Rating Modules and Subjects
- Exam Code: QMED01 Endorsement: Junior Engineer Modules: Q800 – Q801
- Q800-Junior Engineer Part I
- Shipboard equip-systems
- Air conditioning
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Desalination
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Potable water
- Refrigeration
- Sanitary/sewage
- Steering
- Motor propulsion
- Air-charge systems
- Cooling water systems
- Diesel engine principles
- Drive systems
- Fuel service systems
- Intake/exhaust
- Lubrication systems
- Starting systems
- Waste heat/auxiliary boiler
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- Shipboard equip-systems
- Q801-Junior Engineer Part II
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment-machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Drawings and tables
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Electrical
- A/C circuits
- Batteries
- Calculations
- Communication devices
- D/C circuits
- Distribution systems
- Electronic principles
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Safety-environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- General subjects
- Exam Code: QMED02 Endorsement: Electrician-Refrigerating Engineer Modules: Q802 – Q803
- Q802-Electrician
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Drawings and tables
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- A/C circuits
- Batteries
- Calculations
- Communication devices
- D/C circuits
- Distribution systems
- Electronic principles
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Compressed air
- Lubrication
- Steering
- General subjects
- Q803-Refrigerating Engineer
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Drawings and tables
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Electronic principles
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Air conditioning
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Refrigeration
- General subjects
- Exam Code: QMED03 Endorsement: Oiler Modules: Q804 – Q805
- Q804-Oiler Part I
- Motor propulsion
- Air-charge systems
- Cooling water systems
- Diesel engine principles
- Drive systems
- Fuel service systems
- Intake/exhaust
- Lubrication systems
- Starting systems
- Waste heat/auxiliary boiler
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Desalination
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Lubrication
- Potable water
- Refrigeration
- Sanitary/sewage
- Steering
- Motor propulsion
- Q805-Oiler Part II
- Electrical
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Motors
- Safety
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Heat exchangers
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Safety-environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Electrical
- Exam Code: QMED04 Endorsement: Fireman-Watertender Modules: Q806-FWT
- Q806-FWT
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Heat exchangers
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- General subjects
- Exam Code: QMED05 Endorsement: Machinist-Pumpman Modules: Q807 – Q808
- Q807-Machinist
- General subjects
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Drawings and tables
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Safety
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Steam propulsion
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Motor propulsion
- Diesel engine principles
- Lubrication systems
- General subjects
- Q808-Pumpman
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Safety
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Steam propulsion
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Motor propulsion
- Diesel engine principles
- Lubrication systems
- General subjects