USCG Questions on MODU02: Barge Supervisor
Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on MODU02: Barge Supervisor as they appear in the online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard MODU exam which includes the following modules, you should work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Click on any of the following links to preview the the questions and graphics that are included in our database.
Click Here Preview MODU02: Barge Supervisor Questions in PDF from SeaSources
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From the pull down menu in the online study select from the following topics:

- Exam Code: MODU02 Endorsement: MODU02: Barge Supervisor: Q100-Q437-Q438
- Q100-Rules of the Road: International and Inland
- Watchkeeping
- “Basic Principles for Navigational Watch”
- Inland Navigational Rules
- MODU obstruction lights
- Watchkeeping
- Q437-Barge Supervisor Deck General Safety
- Deck General Safety
- Meteorology and oceanography
- Characteristics of weather systems
- Ocean current systems
- Synoptic chart weather forecasting
- Tide and tidal current publications
- Fire prevention and firefighting appliances:
- Basic firefighting and prevention of fires
- Classes and chemistry of fire
- Firefighting equipment and regulations
- Firefighting systems
- Organization of fire drills
- Medical care
- First aid
- First response medical action
- Maritime law and regulation
- National maritime law
- Personnel Management and Training
- Required logs and recordkeeping
- Ship’s business including:
- Communications
- Radio communications and FCC permit
- Radiotelephone procedures
- Lifesaving/Survival:
- Emergency radio transmissions
- Lifesaving appliance operation (launching, boat handling)
- Procedures/rules for lifeboats, survival suits, personal flotation devices (PFDs), life rafts and emergency signals.
- Survival at sea
- Deck seamanship
- Cargo stowage and securing
- Crane use procedures and inspections
- Hazardous materials/dangerous goods precautions
- Mooring equipment
- Support boats/helicopters
- Transfer of personnel
- Deck General Safety
- Q438-Barge Supervisor MODU Operations
- Stability, ballasting, construction and damage control
- Principles of ship construction, structural members
- Trim and stability
- Damaged trim and stability countermeasures
- Stability and trim calculations
- Load line requirements
- Operating manual
- Rig characteristics and limitations
- Hydrostatics data
- Tank Tables
- KG limitations
- Severe storm instructions
- Transit instructions
- On-station instructions
- Unexpected list or trim
- Ballasting procedures
- Operation of bilge system
- Completion of variable load form
- Evaluation of variable load form
- Emergency procedures
- Maneuvering and handling
- Anchoring and anchor handling
- Anchoring and anchor handling
- Heavy weather operations
- Mooring, positioning
- Moving, positioning
- Emergency procedures and contingency plans:
- Temporary repairs
- Fire or explosion
- Abandon unit
- Man overboard
- Heavy weather
- Collision
- Failure of ballast control system
- Mooring emergencies
- Blowouts
- H2S safety
- General Engineering—Power plants and auxiliary systems
- Marine engineering terminology
- Engineering equipment, operations and failures
- Maritime law and regulation
- National maritime law
- Stability, ballasting, construction and damage control
- Q100-Rules of the Road: International and Inland