Creating a Studyguide with SeaSources
In this next set of screenshots I will show the sequence for creating a stuidyguide. A studyguide is a useful tool for for cramming for an exam. studyguides are presented in a PDF format that can be downloaded and printed. It is configured through the online study and tailored to your specific area of need. It contains the questions with the correct answer along with all related graphics and reference material. If you have an account in the online study, your subscription level will allow you create a certain number of studyguides. You can also purchase studyguides individually without having a subscription.

After logging in we will click on the menu bar as shown by the arrow.

Then we will pick study.

On the next screen we will choose “Create a studyguide”

We will use All Engine Room Questions as the Area Category in this example from the pull down list.

From the Area under All Engine Room Questions we will pick General Subjects.

The next pull down list under Subject has the choice to leave it as Any. This would create a studyguide that included all of the questions under General Subjects. This would essentially generate a studyguide of over 2500 questions plus a separate guide containing all of the related graphics. This might be a little overwhelming to print.

So, for this example we will break it down by choosing Refrigeration & Air Conditioning as the subject.

Once we have it configured we click CREATE.

After CREATE we will see a message in the upper right of the screen like this to let us know that the studyguide is being generated.

After it is created we should see this icon in the upper right. choose it and the following will pop up.

Separate downloads for the questions and accompanying graphics.

If you are a subscribed member you will also receive an email like this from which downloads can take place later. If you do not see it in your inbox be sure to check your spam folder

When we choose Download, the document should show up in your browser. In the upper right you can download to your device or print.

The final result should look like this.

This particular configuration ended up generating 57 pages of questions with correct answer as well as reference material.

The accompanying Graphics for those questions are another 59 pages.
I hope that these screenshots were able to answer any questions about the studyguide process.
Thanks for using SeaSources
Steve and Jaime