Deck General – Safety

  • Q101-Deck General: Part I 
    • Vessel Maneuvering and Handling
      • Anchoring and Mooring
      • Approaching Pilot Vessel or Station
      • Berthing and Unberthing
      • Determine Maneuvering Characteristics of Major Vessel Types
      • Dragging of, Clearing Fouled Anchors
      • Heavy Weather Operations
      • Ice Operations/Ice Navigation
      • Interaction with Bank/Passing Ship
      • Liferafts
      • Maneuvering for Launching of Lifeboats and Liferafts in Heavy Weather
      •  Maneuvering in Shallow Water
      • Receiving Survivors From Lifeboats
      • Vessel Handling in Rivers & Estuaries
      • Wake Reduction
    • Maritime Law
      • Credentialing of Seaman
      • International Maritime Law
      • National Maritime Law
    • Shipboard Management and Training:
      • Personnel Management
      • Required Crew Training
      • Safety
      • Ship Sanitation
      • Shipboard Organization
      • Vessel Alteration/ Repair/Hot Work
    • Ship’s Business
      • Certificates and Documents Required
      • Charters
      • Entry and Clearance
      • Insurance
      • ISM and Safety Management Systems
      • Liens and Salvage
  • Q102-Deck General: Part II   “Return to top of page”
    • Basic Principles, Watchkeeping
      • Basic Principles, Watchkeeping
      • Navigation Safety Regulations (33 CFR 164)
    • Cargo Handling and Stowage
      • Cargo Stowage and Security,
      • Cargo Gear
      • Dangerous/ Hazardous Cargo
      • Regulations International Regulations for Cargoes, especially International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
      • Loading and Discharging Operations
      • Tank Vessel and Fuel Oil Operations
  • Q103-Deck Safety
    • Stability, Construction, and Damage Control
      • Change in Draft Due to Density
      • Damage Control
      • Damage Trim and Stability
      • IMO Ship Stability Recommendations
      • Principles of Vessel Construction
      • Trim and Stability
      • Vessel Structural Members
    • Vessel Power Plants
      • Marine Engineering Terms
      • Marine Power Plant Operating Principles
      • Vessel’s Auxiliary Machinery
    • Fire Prevention and Firefighting Appliances
      • Basic Firefighting and Prevention
      • Classes and Chemistry of Fire
      • Firefighting Equipment & Regulations
      • Firefighting Systems
      • Organization of Fire Drills
    • Emergency Procedures
      • Abandon Ship Procedures
      • Actions Prior to/after Grounding, Including Refloating
      • Collision
      • Emergency Steering
      • Emergency Towing
      • Fire or Explosion
      • Man Overboard Procedures
      • Passenger/Crew Safety in Emergencies
      • Rescuing Survivors from Ship/Aircraft  in Distress
      • Ship Beaching Precautions
      • Temporary Repairs
    • Medical Care:
      • International Medical Guide for Ships
      • Knowledge and use of: Medical Section, International Code  of Signals
      • Ship’s Medical Chest & Medical Aid at Sea
    • Communications
      • IMO Standard Maritime Communication Phrases
      • International Code of Signals Signals:
      • Storm/Wreck/ Distress/Special
    • Lifesaving
      • Lifesaving Appliance Operation
      • Lifesaving Appliance Regulations
      • Survival at Sea
    • Search and Rescue
      • Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System and International Aeronautical & Maritime Search And Rescue Manual
      • Search and Rescue Procedures
  • Q104-Deck Safety / Stability Problems 
    • Stability, Construction, and Damage Control:
      • Change in Draft Due to Density
      • Damage Control
      • Damage Trim and Stability
      • IMO Ship Stability Recommendations
      • Stability, Trim, and Stress Calculation
      • Trim and Stability
      • Vessel Structural Members
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