Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System


The GMDSS is an internationally recognized distress and radio communication safety system that has been in place for several decades. The GMDSS is an automated ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship system using satellites and/or terrestrial radio systems with digital selective calling technology.

Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on G.M.D.S.S. as they appear in the online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard Deck License exam which includes any of these modules, you should  work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Click on any of the following links to preview the the questions and graphics that are included in our database.

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From the pull down menu in the online study select from the following topics:

  • STCW-GOC-FCC-El-7:
    • Section A: General Information and System Overview.
      • Key Topic #001: Fundamental Concepts:
      • Key Topic #002: Equipment Systems:
      • Key Topic #003: Sea Areas:
      • Key Topic #004: Functional Requirements:
      • Key Topic #005: Carriage Requirements:
      • Key Topic #006: Maintenance Options:
    • Section B: Principles of Communications:
      • Key Topic #007: Radio Spectrum:
      • Key Topic #008: Frequency Bands:
      • Key Topic #009: Modulation, Demodulation, AM, FM:
      • Key Topic #010: Carrier and Sidebands:
      • Key Topic #011: Channel Spacing:
      • Key Topic #012: Antennas:
    • Section C: F.C.C. Rules & Regulations:
      • Key Topic #013: Inspections and Exemptions:
      • Key Topic #014: Required Documents and Publications:
      • Key Topic #015: Maintenance:
      • Key Topic #016: License and Personnel Requirements:
      • Key Topic #017: Reserve Source of Energy:
      • Key Topic #018: Equipment Testing:
      • Key Topic #019: Watch keeping:
      • Key Topic #020: Log keeping:
    • Section D: DSC & Alpha-Numeric ID:
      • Key Topic #021: Call Signs and SELCALs
      • Key Topic #022: MMSI- MID and Ship Station I.D. Numbers:
      • Key Topic #023: MMSI; Group and Coast Station I.D. Numbers:
      • Key Topic #024: Inmarsat Mobile Numbers for B & F-77 Terminals:
      • Key Topic #025: Inmarsat Mobile Numbers for “C” Terminals:
      • Key Topic #026: OSC Format and Info Sent:
      • Key Topic #027: OSC Operations:
      • Key Topic #028: OSC Frequencies:
    • Section E: Distress, Urgency & Safety Communications:
      • Key Topic #029: Sending a Distress Alert:
      • Key Topic #030: Follow-On Voice Transmission:
      • Key Topic #031: Response to a Distress Alert:
      • Key Topic #032: Distress Relays:
      • Key Topic #033: Action False Distress Alert:
      • Key Topic #034: Radio Silence – Resume Traffic:
      • Key Topic #035: Urgency Traffic:
      • Key Topic #036: Safety Traffic:
      • Key Topic #037: Frequencies:
      • Key Topic #038: Other Procedures:
    • Section F: Survival Craft Equip & S.A.R.:
      • Key Topic #039: SART· Activation and Survival Craft Operation:
      • Key Topic #040: SART – Radar Display – SAR – AIS SART:
      • Key Topic #041: SART: Testing and Battery Parameters:
      • Key Topic #042: EPIRB System Structure and Operation:
      • Key Topic #043: EPIRB Alerting and Features:
      • Key Topic #044: Homing and Locating Signals:
      • Key Topic #045: Survival Craft Transceivers:
      • Key Topic #046: On Scene Communications:
      • Key Topic #047: SAR-MCC-RCC: Systems & Procedures-1:
      • Key Topic #048: SAR-MCC-RCC: Systems & Procedures-2:
    • Section G: VHF·DSC Equipment & Communications:
      • Key Topic #049: VHF Controls, Power and Range:
      • Key Topic #050: VHF Channel System:
    • Section H: Maritime Safety Information (M.S.I.):
      • Key Topic #051: Navtex 1: Operations:
      • Key Topic #052: Navtex 2: Programming:
      • Key Topic #053: Navtex 3: Message Format:
      • Key Topic #054: SafetyNETTM 1: Operations:
      • Key Topic #055: SafetyNETTM 2: Information:
      • Key Topic #056: Enhanced Group Calling (EGC):
      • Key Topic #057: H.F. MSI:
      • Key Topic #058: NAVAREAs:
    • Section I: Inmarsat Equip. & Comms:
      • Key Topic #059: Sat·C, Power up, Self·Test, Controls & Lamps:
      • Key Topic #060: Selecting an Inmarsat Ocean Region:
      • Key Topic #061: Inmarsat Log·in & Log·out:
      • Key Topic #062: Inmarsat General System Operations-1:
      • Key Topic #063: Inmarsat General System Operations-2:
      • Key Topic #064: Inmarsat-B or F77 Equipment and Operations:
      • Key Topic #065: Inmarsat-C: Equipment and Operations-1:
      • Key Topic #066: Inmarsat-C: Equipment and Operations-2:
      • Key Topic #067: Compare and Differentiate “B” and “C” Terminals:
      • Key Topic #068: Selecting L.E.S. and L.E.S. ID Numbers:
      • Key Topic #069: Inmarsat-B and F77- Address, Dialing and Voice:
      • Key Topic #070: Inmarsat-B – Address, Dialing and Telex:
      • Key Topic #071: Inmarsat-C Address to Ship Telex:
      • Key Topic #072: Address to Land Telex Terminal:
      • Key Topic #073: Address to a FAX TerminaI:
      • Key Topic #074: Address to Internet, SMS or Special Addresses:
      • Key Topic #075: Inmarsat Distress Communications:
      • Key Topic #076: Satellite SAR-MCC-RCC:
      • Key Topic #077: EGC:
      • Key Topic #078: Equipment Faults and Maintenance-1:
      • Key Topic #079: Equipment Faults and Maintenance-2:
    • Section J: MF-HF Equip. and Comms:
      • Key Topic #080: MF-HF Panel Controls:
      • Key Topic #081: MF-HF Frequency–Simplex, Duplex, Half-Duplex:
      • Key Topic #082: MF-HF ITU Channels:
      • Key Topic #083: MF·HF Voice and Telex Channel Separation:
      • Key Topic #084: MF-HF Modulation, Bandwidth and Emissions:
      • Key Topic #085: MF·HF Voice Operations-Calling a Coast Station:
      • Key Topic #086: MF·HF DSC Controller Call Programming:
      • Key Topic #087: MF·HF SITOR (NBDP) · Definitions:
      • Key Topic #088: MF·HF SITOR (NBDP) Technical Characteristics:
      • Key Topic #089: MF·HF ARQ Operation – Calling a Coast Station:
      • Key Topic #090: MF·HF ARQ Operation · Answerbacks:
      • Key Topic #091: MF-HF ARQ Operation – OP Codes & Procedures:
      • Key Topic #092: MF-HF ARQ Operation–Technical Characteristics:
      • Key Topic #093: MF·HF Addressing Modes:
      • Key Topic #094: MF-HF FEC Operation-1:
      • Key Topic #095: MF-HF FEC Operation-2:
      • Key Topic #096: MF-HF Propagation-1; Day-Night-Winter-Summer:
      • Key Topic #097: MF-HF Propagation-2; Day-Night-Winter-Summer:
      • Key Topic #098: MF·HF DSC Controller Alert/Call Response:
      • Key Topic #099: Batteries:
      • Key Topic #100: MF·HF Equipment Faults and Testing:
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