Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on Instruments and Accessories as they appear in SeaSources online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard Deck License exam which includes any of these modules, you should  work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Click on any of the following links to preview the the questions and graphics that are included in our database.

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Listed is the table of contents of the questions on Instruments and Accessories as they appear in SeaSources online study.
  • Deck Department
  • All Deck Examination Questions As of March 24, 2014 Regulations
  • Navigation General
    • Instruments and Accessories
      • ARPA “automatic radar plotting aid”
      • Chronometers
      • Compasses
        • Gyro Compass
        • Magnetic Compass
        • Magnetic Compass Adjustment
        • Magnetism
      • Fathometer
      • Radio Navigation
        • Electronic Plotting Aid
        • Automatic Identification System (AIS)
        • Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
        • Global Positioning System (GPS)
        • RADAR (radio detection and ranging)
        • Sextant
        • Weather Instruments
        • Speed of Sound
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