Cargo Handling, Equipment and Stowage

USCG questions on cargo handling

Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on Cargo Handling, Equipment and Stowage as they appear in the online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard Deck License exam which includes any of these modules, you should  work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Click on any of the following links to preview the the questions and graphics that are included in our database.

Click Here to Preview Cargo Equipment Questions

Click Here to Preview Cargo Equipment Graphics

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From the pull down menu in the online study select from the following topics:

  • Deck Department
  • All Deck Examination Questions As of March 24, 2014 Regulations
  • Deck General – Safety
  • Cargo Handling, Equipment and Stowage
    • Ballasting, Tank Clean., & Gas Free Ops
    • Cargo Oil Terms and Definitions
    • Cargo Piping and Pumping Systems
    • Cargo Stowage and Security, including Cargo Gear
      • Break Bulk
      • Bulk – Problems (Mate / Chief Mate)
      • Containers
      • Crane Operations
      • Crane Operations / Hand Signals
      • Dry Bulk
      • Ship’s Stores
      • Stowage Problems
    • Cargo Ventilation
    • Cargo Ventilation – Problems
    • Cargo Vessels
      • Rules and Regulations
    • Components; Operation and Function
    • Dangerous/Hazardous Cargo Regulations
      • Emergency Stopping
      • Handling
      • Inert Gas Systems
      • Loading
    • Rules and Regulations
      • Firefighting Prevention and Appliances
      • General
    • Grade LFG
    • Inert Gas
    • International Regulations for Cargoes, IMDG code
    • Load on Top Procedures
    • Loading and Discharging Operations
    • RORO
    • Tank Barges (operations)
    • Tank Vessel and Fuel Oil Operations
      • Loading and Discharging Operations: Tanker Stress Problems
    • Tank Vessel Safety

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