USCG Questions on Engine Room General

Engine Room General Questions

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Book 11, E/R General includes: Q511-Q512-Q535-Q601-Q613-Q624-Q634-Q652-Q682-Q693-Q697

  • Unlimited Engineer General and Subjects 
  • Exam Code: 1AE01 Endorsement: First Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q511 – Q517:
  • Q511- General Subjects I,
    • General Subjects
    • Prints and tables
    • Hydraulics
    • Bilge systems
    • Oily water separators
    • Control systems
    • Propellers-Shafting
    • Distilling systems
    • Administration
    • Bearings
    • Governors
    • Cooling systems
    • Steering systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Ventilation systems
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Lubrication systems
    • Automation systems
  • Q512- General Subjects II,
  • Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
    • Air conditioning systems
    • Refrigeration systems
    • Control systems
    • Safety
    • Casualty control
  • Management Level
    • Management skills
    • Crisis management
    • Shipyard
    • Inspections-surveys
    • Vessel layup
    • Employee familiarization
    • Operational planning
    • Assessing competency
    • Management practices
    • Arbitration
    • Internal documents
    • International laws-Conv.
    • Technical analysis
    • Maintenance systems
    • Troubleshooting
    • Codes & regulations
  • Exam Code: 3AE02 Endorsement: Third Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q535 – Q538:
  • Q535-General Subjects,
  • General Subjects
    • Prints and tables
    • Pipes-fittings-valves
    • Hydraulics
    • Bilge systems
    • Oily water separators
    • Sanitary-sewage systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Lubricants
    • Automation systems
    • Control systems
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Machine shop
    • Distilling systems
    • Pumps
    • Compressors
    • Governors
    • Instruments
    • Ship construction-repair
    • Steering systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Ventilation systems
    • Heat exchangers
    • International rules-regulations
  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
    • Refrigeration Systems
    • AC systems
    • Safety
    • Casualty control
  • Limited Engineer General Subjects
  • Exam Code: AEL01 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-Limited Modules: Q610 – Q615:
  • Q613-General Subjects,
    • General Subjects
    • Prints and tables
    • Hand tools
    • Pipes, fittings, and valves
    • Hydraulics
    • Materials science
    • Bilge systems
    • Oily water separators
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Lubricants
    • Lubrication systems
    • Automation systems
    • Control systems
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Machine shop
    • Distilling systems
    • Pumps
    • Compressors
    • Bearings
    • Governors
    • Cooling systems
    • Instruments
    • Ship construction and repair
    • Steering systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Ventilation systems
    • Thermo
    • Heat exchangers
    • Watch duties
    • International rules & regulations
    • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
      • Theory
      • Air conditioning systems
      • Refrigeration systems
      • Control systems
      • Instruments-gauges
      • Safety
      • Casualty control
  • Exam Code: CEL01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer, Limited Modules: Q601 – Q603:
  • Q601-General Subjects, 
    • General Subjects
    • Administration
    • Automation systems
    • Bearings
    • Casualty control
    • Control systems
    • Control systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Governors
    • Hydraulics
    • Oily water separators
    • Prints and tables
    • Safety
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Steering systems
    • Ventilation systems
  •    Management Level
    • Arbitration
    • Assessing competency
    • Codes & regulations
    • Crisis management
    • Employee familiarization
    • Inspections-surveys
    • Internal documents
    • International laws-conventions
    • Maintenance systems
    • Management practices
    • Management skills
    • Operational planning
    • Shipyard
    • Technical analysis
    • Troubleshooting
    • Vessel layup
  • Exam Code: DDE01 Endorsement: DDE Unlimited Modules: Q620 – Q625:
  • Q624-General Subjects,
  • General Subjects
    • Administration
    • Automation systems
    • Bearings
    • Bilge systems
    • Compressors
    • Control systems
    • Cooling systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Distilling systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Governors
    • Hand tools
    • Heat exchangers
    • Hydraulics
    • Instruments
    • International rules & regs
    • Lubricants
    • Lubrication systems
    • Machine shop
    • Oily water separators
    • Pipes, fittings, and valves
    • Prints and tables
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Pumps
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Ship construction and repair
    • Steering systems
    • Thermo
    • Ventilation systems
  • Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
    • Air conditioning systems
    • Casualty control
    • Control systems
    • Instruments-gauges
    • Refrigeration systems
    • Safety
    • Theory
  • Exam Code: DDE04 Endorsement: DDE 1000-4000 HP Modules: Q630 – Q634:
  • Q634-General Subjects
  • General Subjects
    • Administration
    • Automation systems
    • Bilge systems
    • Compressors
    • Control systems
    • Cooling Systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Governors
    • Hydraulics
    • Lubricants
    • Lubrication systems
    • Machine shop
    • Oily water separators
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Pumps Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Steering systems
    • Ventilation systems
  • Exam Code: OSE01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer-OSV Modules: Q680 – Q684:
  • Q682-General Subjects,
  • General Subjects
    • Prints and tables
    • Hydraulics
    • Oily water separators
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Automation systems
    • Control systems
    • Administration
    • Bearings
    • Governors
    • Steering systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Heat exchangers
    • Watch duties
    • Ventilation systems
    • Casualty control
    • Safety
  • Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
    • Casualty control
    • Air conditioning systems
    • Refrigeration systems
    • Control systems
    • Instruments-gauges
  • Management Level
    • Management skills
    • Crisis management
    • Shipyard
    • Inspections-surveys
    • Vessel layup
    • Employee familiarization
    • Operational planning
    • Assessing competency
    • Management practices
    • Arbitration
    • Internal documents
    • International laws-conventions
    • Technical analysis
    • Maintenance systems
    • Troubleshooting
    • Codes & regulations
  • Exam Code: OSE02 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-OSV Modules: Q650 – Q654:
  • Q652 – General Subjects,
  • General Subjects
    • Automation systems
    • Bearings
    • Bilge systems
    • Compressors
    • Control systems
    • Cooling systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Freshwater systems
    • Governors
    • Hand tools
    • Heat exchangers
    • Hydraulics
    • Instruments
    • International rules & regulations
    • Lubricants
    • Lubrication systems
    • Machine shop
    • Oily water separators
    • Pipes, fittings, and valves
    • Prints and tables
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Pumps
    • Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Ship construction and repair
    • Steering systems
    • Ventilation systems
    • Watch duties
  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
    • Air conditioning systems
    • Casualty control
    • Control systems
    • Instruments-gauges
    • Refrigeration systems
    • Safety
    • Theory
  • Exam Code: UFIV01 Endorsement: Chief Engineer-UFIV Modules: Q697 – Q696
  • Q697-General Subjects
  • General Subjects
  • Administration
  • Automation systems
  • Bearings
  • Control systems
  • Deck machinery
  • Governors
  • Heat exchangers
  • Hydraulics
  • Oily water separators
  • Prints and tables
  • Sanitary-SewageSystems
  • Steering systems
  • Ventilation systems
  • Watch duties
  • Electricity-Electronics-Cntrl Eng
    • Communications
    • Distribution systems
    • Motor controllers
    • Propulsion systems
  • Management Level
    • Arbitration
    • Assessing competency
    • Codes & regulations
    • Crisis management
    • Employee familiarization
    • Inspections-surveys
    • Internal documents
    • International laws-conventions
    • Maintenance systems
    • Management practices
    • Management skills
    • Operational planning
    • Shipyard
    • Technical analysis
    • Vessel layup
    • Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
      • Casualty control
      • Control Systems
      • Safety
    • Electrical Troubleshooting
    • Electronic systems
    • Generators
  • Exam Code: UFIV02 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer, UFIV Modules: Q690 – Q693
  • Q693-General Subjects
    • General Subjects
    • Automation systems
    • Bearings
    • Bilge systems
    • Compressors
    • Control systems
    • Cooling systems
    • Deck machinery
    • Distilling systems
    • Freshwater systems
    • Governors
    • Hand tools
    • Heat exchangers
    • Hydraulics
    • Instruments
    • International rules & regulations
    • Lubricants
    • Lubrication systems
    • Machine shop
    • Oily water separators
    • Pipes, fittings, and valves
    • Prints and tables
    • Propellers/ shafting systems
    • Pumps Sanitary-Sewage Systems
    • Ship construction and repair
    • Steering systems
    • Ventilation systems
    • Watch duties
    • Electricity-Electronics-Control Engineering
    • Batteries
    • Casualty control
    • Communications
    • Distribution systems
    • Electronic systems
    • General maintenance
    • Generators
    • Motor controllers
    • Motors
    • Propulsion systems
    • Safety
    • Theory
  • Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
    • Air conditioning systems
    • Casualty control
    • Control systems
    • Instruments-gauges
    • Refrigeration systems
    • Safety
    • Theory
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