Qualified Member of the Engineering Department Q.M.E.D.

Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on Q.M.E.D. as they appear in the online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard Engine Room License exam which includes any of these modules, you should work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Go to any of the following links to preview a cross section of the questions with correct answers and graphics on this subject that are included in our online study database.
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QMED includes the following Modules: Q800-Q801-Q802-Q803-Q804-Q805-Q806-Q807
QMED Rating Modules and Subjects
- Exam Code: QMED01 Endorsement: Junior Engineer Modules: Q800 – Q801
- Q800-Junior Engineer Part I
- Shipboard equip-systems
- Air conditioning
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Desalination
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Potable water
- Refrigeration
- Sanitary/sewage
- Steering
- Motor propulsion
- Air-charge systems
- Cooling water systems
- Diesel engine principles
- Drive systems
- Fuel service systems
- Intake/exhaust
- Lubrication systems
- Starting systems
- Waste heat/auxiliary boiler
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- Q801-Junior Engineer Part II
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment-machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Drawings and tables
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Electrical
- A/C circuits
- Batteries
- Calculations
- Communication devices
- D/C circuits
- Distribution systems
- Electronic principles
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Safety-environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Exam Code: QMED02 Endorsement: Electrician-Refrigerating Engineer Modules: Q802 – Q803
- Q802-Electrician
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Drawings and tables
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- A/C circuits
- Batteries
- Calculations
- Communication devices
- D/C circuits
- Distribution systems
- Electronic principles
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Compressed air
- Lubrication
- Steering
- Q803-Refrigerating Engineer
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Drawings and tables
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Electronic principles
- Maintenance
- Measuring devices
- Motor controllers
- Motors
- Safety
- Troubleshooting
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Air conditioning
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Refrigeration
- Exam Code: QMED03 Endorsement: Oiler Modules: Q804 – Q805
- Q804-Oiler Part I
- Motor propulsion
- Air-charge systems
- Cooling water systems
- Diesel engine principles
- Drive systems
- Fuel service systems
- Intake/exhaust
- Lubrication systems
- Starting systems
- Waste heat/auxiliary boiler
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Desalination
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Lubrication
- Potable water
- Refrigeration
- Sanitary/sewage
- Steering
- Q805-Oiler Part II
- Electrical
- Generation equipment
- Maintenance
- Motors
- Safety
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Heat exchangers
- Instrumentation principles
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Refrigeration principles
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Safety-environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Exam Code: QMED04 Endorsement: Fireman-Watertender Modules: Q806-FWT
- Q806-FWT
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Heat exchangers
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Properties of fuel
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Watch duties
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Fuel oil storage/transfer
- Fuel treatment
- Steam propulsion
- Auxiliary turbines
- Boiler fundamentals
- Combustion principles
- Condensate systems
- Drive systems
- Feedwater systems
- Fuel service systems
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Turbine fundamentals
- Exam Code: QMED05 Endorsement: Machinist-Pumpman Modules: Q807 – Q808
- Q807-Machinist
- General subjects
- Basic safety procedures
- Bearings
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Drawings and tables
- Lubrication principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Measuring instruments
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Safety
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Steam propulsion
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Motor propulsion
- Diesel engine principles
- Lubrication systems
- Q808-Pumpman
- General subjects
- Auxiliary machinery
- Basic safety procedures
- Care of equipment and machine parts
- Deck machinery
- Heat exchangers
- Hydraulic principles
- Instrumentation principles
- Maintenance procedures
- Pipes, fittings, and valves
- Pollution prevention
- Pumps, fans, and blowers
- Remote control equipment
- Use of hand/power tools
- Electrical
- Safety
- Safety and environmental protection
- Communications
- Damage control
- Elementary first aid
- Emergency equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Fire prevention
- Firefighting equipment
- Firefighting principles
- General safety
- Hazardous materials
- Shipboard equipment and systems
- Ballast
- Bilge
- Compressed air
- Heating/ventilation
- Lubrication
- Steam propulsion
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Steam fundamentals
- Motor propulsion
- Diesel engine principles
- Lubrication systems
QMED is an abbreviation for Qualified Member of the Engineering Department. There are a number of different “QMED ratings.” The most common for both steam and motor (i.e., diesel propelled) ships is the “Oiler” rating. Many older steam vessels also require the “Fireman/Watertender” rating. Tankships require “Pumpman,” and vessels with electrical cargo gear carry one or more crewmembers with an “Electricians” rating. Additional ratings include “Refrigeration Engineer,” “Deck Engineer,” “Machinist,” and the “Junior Engineer.” If you obtain all of these ratings you may obtain a rating of “QMED – All Ratings.”
A special QMED rating was created for diesel powered offshore supply vessels working in the offshore oil industry and is called Oiler (OSV). It is only valid on offshore supply vessels and not on vessels such as diesel ferries. Two additional ratings were created for modern power plants with varying degrees of automation. These ratings are the “Engineman” and the “Deck Engine Mechanic.” These two ratings do not require additional testing after you obtain the required ratings, experience, and training specified in Coast Guard regulations.
The test required for any rating is composed of two modules (i.e., parts). The first module is called “QMED – General.” You must pass this module before you can take the module for the specific rating (or ratings) you desire.