Engine Room Steam Questions

Engine Room Steam Questions

    Listed below is the table of contents of the questions on Engine Room Steam as they appear in the online study. Click on the “Enter Online Study” link above to begin preparing for your exam. If you are studying for a United States Coast Guard Engine Room License exam which includes any of these modules, you should  work through these questions in the online study until you are scoring 80% or better on all of them. Go to any of the following links to preview a cross section of the questions with correct answers and graphics on this subject that are included in our online study database.

Click Here to Preview Steam Engines Questions

Click Here to Preview Steam Engines Graphics

Click Here to Preview Steam Generators Questions

Click Here to Preview Steam Generators Graphics

Click Here to Preview Steam Plants Questions

Click Here to Preview Steam Plants Graphics

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Configure engine room steam questions

E/R Steam includes the following Modules: Q513-Q605-Q611-Q537-Q538

Unlimited Engineer Modules and Subjects

  • Exam Code: 1AE01 Endorsement: First Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q511 – Q517:
  • Q513- Steam Plants,
    • Steam Generators
      • Main boilers
      • Feedwater systems
      • Condensate systems
      • Recovery systems
      • Fuel
      • Main fuel systems
      • Boiler water chemistry
      • Control systems
      • Automation systems
    • Steam Engines
      • Main turbines
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Governor systems
      • Control systems
      • Automation systems
      • Lubrication systems
      • Drive systems
      • Auxiliary diesels
      • Safety
      • Casualty control
  • Exam Code: 3AE02 Endorsement: Third Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Modules: Q535 – Q538:
  • Q537-Steam Plants I,
  • Steam Generators
    • Steam-theory
    • Main boilers
    • Feedwater systems
    • Condensate systems
    • Fuel
    • Main fuel systems
    • Boiler water chemistry
    • Control systems
    • Automation systems
    • Safety
    • Casualty control
  • Q538-Steam Plants II
  • Steam Engines
    • Main turbines
    • Auxiliary turbines
    • Governor systems
    • Control systems
    • Automation systems
    • Lubrication systems
    • Drive systems
    • Auxiliary diesels
    • Safety
    • Casualty control
    • Recovery systems

Limited Engineer Modules and Subjects

  • Exam Code: AEL01 Endorsement: Assistant Engineer-Limited Modules: Q610 – Q615:
  • Q611-Steam Plants,
    • Steam Generators
      • Steam-theory
      • Main boilers
      • Feedwater systems
      • Condensate systems
      • Fuel
      • Main fuel systems
      • Boiler water chemistry
      • Control systems
      • Automation systems
      • Safety
      • Casualty control
    • Steam Engines
      • Main turbines
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Governor systems
      • Control systems
      • Automation systems
      • Lubrication systems
      • Drive systems
      • Auxiliary diesels
  • Exam Code: CEL02 Endorsement: Chief Engineer, Limited Modules: Q604 – Q606:
  • Q605-Steam Plants,
    • Steam Generators
      • Automation systems
      • Boiler water chemistry
      • Casualty control
      • Condensate systems
      • Control systems
      • Feedwater systems
      • Fuel
      • Main boilers
      • Main fuel systems
      • Recovery systems
    • Steam Engines
      • Automation systems
      • Auxiliary diesels
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Control systems
      • Drive systems
      • Governor systems
      • Lubrication systems
      • Main turbines
      • Safety
  • Exam Code: DDE01 Endorsement: DDE Unlimited Modules: Q620 – Q625:
  • Q621-Steam Plants,
    • Steam Generators
    • Automation systems
    • Boiler water chemistry
    • Casualty control
    • Condensate system
    • Control systems
    • Feedwater system
    • Fuel
    • Main boilers
    • Main fuel system
    • Recovery system
    • Safety
    • Steam Theory
    • Steam Engines
    • Automation systems
    • Auxiliary diesels
    • Auxiliary turbines
    • Casualty control
    • Control systems
    • Drive systems
    • Governor system
    • Lubrication systems
    • Main turbines
    • Safety 
  • Exam Code: DDE04 Endorsement: DDE 1000-4000 HP Modules: Q630 – Q634:
    • Q631-Steam Plants,
    • Steam Generators
      • Automation systems
      • Boiler water chemistry
      • Casualty control
      • Condensate system
      • Control systems
      • Feedwater system
      • Fuel
      • Main boilers
      • Main fuel system
      • Recovery system
      • Safety
      • Steam Theory
      • Steam Engines
      • Automation systems
      • Auxiliary diesels
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Casualty control
      • Control systems
      • Drive systems
      • Governor system
      • Lubrication systems
      • Main turbines
      • Safety

Engineer Rating Modules and Subjects

  • Exam Code: QMED01 Endorsement: Junior Engineer Modules: Q800 – Q801
  • Q800-Junior Engineer Part I
    • Steam propulsion
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Boiler fundamentals
      • Combustion principles
      • Condensate systems
      • Drive systems
      • Feedwater systems
      • Fuel service systems
      • Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Steam fundamentals
      • Turbine fundamentals
  • Exam Code: QMED03 Endorsement: Oiler Modules: Q804 – Q805
  • Q804-Oiler Part I
    • Steam propulsion
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Boiler fundamentals
      • Combustion principles
      • Condensate systems
      • Drive systems
      • Feedwater systems
      • Fuel service systems
      • Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Steam fundamentals
      • Turbine fundamentals
  • Exam Code: QMED04 Endorsement: Fireman-Watertender Modules: Q806-FWT
  • Q806-FWT
    • Steam propulsion
      • Auxiliary turbines
      • Boiler fundamentals
      • Combustion principles
      • Condensate systems
      • Drive systems
      • Feedwater systems
      • Fuel service systems
      • Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Steam fundamentals
      • Turbine fundamentals
  • Exam Code: QMED05 Endorsement: Machinist-Pumpman Modules: Q807 – Q808
  • Q807-Machinist  
    • Steam propulsion
      • Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Steam fundamentals
  • Q808-Pumpman
    • Steam propulsion
      • Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Steam fudamentals
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